Week 2 Part A: Communication Between Business and Consumer
Social media has given the power back to consumers and allowed businesses to connect in a more meaningful way with those consumers and create new ones. In the past, if you had an issue with a company, your options were to make a direct complaint to them (with hopes they would fix it) or complain to friends and family. That type of word-of-mouth marketing was pretty effective but not nearly as far-reaching as what we have today. Instead of your complaint making it to a few ears in your small circle of friends and family, a post on social media can reach tens, hundreds, or even thousands of people, making a company sit up and listen. It can also be a powerful tool for small businesses or individuals just getting started since it has taken away the traditional power structure a company needs to be seen by the larger public. Now startups, bands, artists, fashion designers, etc., all have access to powerful tools to reach and engage their audience and grow their brands. It has...